Saturday, October 10, 2009

Zoe and Mom

I had such a great time with Zoe at the Outlet Mall today that I wanted to write about it. 

The drive to the Outlets is about an hour and the views were AMAZING. Trees are everywhere and they were gold, green, red, yellow and orange. Occasionally the trees would open up to reveal an awesome farmhouse with a barn, a windmill and/or a pond. Zoe and I sang and talked and pointed out the beautiful things. On the way back home the sun was setting which made the trees look even more amazing. Zoe and I ate kettle corn and it got just cold enough to turn the heater on in the car. It was perfect. 

While we were shopping, I was walking with Zoe, holding her little hand, listening to her talk, and I could have just cried with happiness. I realized that it would be one of the moments I remember and long for when she is 16 and doesn't want to be caught dead with me for one reason or another. 

I am so lucky to have my Zoe. 

*Tomorrow I am going to take a picture of her and I together and add it to this post. I am not very good at getting myself in pictures but I think it is important for us to have one together. 

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Awe, that is precisely the reason I cry because I dont have a girl. So sweet.